At Freedom Church, we provide an engaging environment where kids can learn more about God in a fun, relevant format.
What do we expect from parents at Freedom Church?
Bring your kids to KidGroups & KidChurch on Sunday mornings.
Immerse your children in God’s Word in a creative setting surrounded by their peers.
Make KidConnect on Wednesday nights a priority.
Don’t let your kids miss this opportunity to worship and learn with their friends.
At KidGroups, our kids meet all together in the KidZone for prayer before going to their upstairs classrooms with their teachers to study God’s Word and enjoy games, crafts, and more. KidGroup classes are divided by grades in order to engage kids in creative activities on their level that help them apply what they’ve learned. We desire that all kids know and be comfortable with studying the Bible for themselves
At KidChurch, kids experience a worship environment created just for them which includes great music, fun activities, and creative teaching. (Kids in K-5th grade will attend the beginning of our 10:00 am service with the adults and participate in a few worship songs before being dismissed for KidChurch.)
At KidConnect, children will learn and worship together in a kid-friendly environment.
We focus on practical application of living out our faith through small groups and games.
(Meets during the school year.)
Trust God no matter what.
Make the wise choice.
Treat others the way they want to be treated.
Understand & worship with authenticity.
Each month at Freedom kids learn about a Big Idea—a Christ-like character trait that should be lived out daily. Throughout the month, the Big Idea is explained further with a weekly Bottom Line drawn from the Bible story that week.
We use the 252Basics curriculum from the ReThink Group. We encourage you to take some time to read through their sites to learn more about the philosophy behind our teaching styles, lesson structures, and programming schedule.