The Kingdom

Kid's (Birth through Pre-K) love coming to The Kingdom!

Here they will experience learning about God in fun, interactive ways. Judah, our friendly mascot (named after the Lion of Judah), visits Kingdom Club each week to help teach truths found in the Bible. Kids are challenged to memorize Bible verses and guided in learning how to apply God’s Word to their daily lives.
Each month the kids have the opportunity to see a puppet show, do special crafts, and worship God through music and prayer.
We don’t see this as a daycare; it’s a place where the next generation can begin laying the foundation for their own walks with Jesus.

Weekly Events

Sunday Mornings

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

When visiting for the first time on a Sunday morning, be sure to enter our facility at the south entrance by the flagpole. As you enter, you’ll find our hosts ready to help you at the check-in counters. LifeGroup starts at 9AM, and Worship (which includes KingdomClub) is at 10AM.

Wednesday Evenings

6:30 PM

During the school year, we have activities for all ages on Wednesdays – including our preschoolers! Ages birth through Pre-K will have a devotional and play time while parents participate in Bible study.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 14:19

Things you should know:


When you check in you will receive a Guardian Label. You must present this when you pick up your child—no exceptions.

Drop Off & Pick Up

Children are accepted into the classroom 15 minutes prior to the service and should be picked up immediately following the service.

Good Health

For the health and safety of the other children in the classroom we ask that you not bring your child if they show signs or symptoms of a fever or any other contagious disease.


It is imperative that guest registration information be filled out for each child visiting. Our hosts are available to help you with the check-in process.

Tips & Reminders

Please label all of your childrens’ belongings. We discourage parents from allowing their children to bring their own toys into class with them, as it is easy for them to be misplaced or forgotten.


If you would like to volunteer in The Kingdom, let us know by completing a volunteer form.